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About This job

canadajobsmag.com is an online jobs board. Here you can find work opportunities in gulf by searching through thousands of vacancy listings or browsing job offers classified by industry.
We are not an employment agency we merely offer gulf employers an opportunity to post a free vacancy listing on our website and allow job seekers to effectively find the posted job offer and apply for that position.
Available positions are as follows: APPLY NOW

Jobs type : Full time
Jobs Position : HOUSEKEEPING

Qualifications: should have at least 2 years experience on similar roles .
Empowered individuals with excellent communication, Management and people skills.
Must be able to read and speak English, You can apply for the above position by clicking here and view more jobs SALARY : – $21 PER HOURS

Note : For Applying the job please go through the job that suits you from the webpage and read the instruction carefully, fill up your details, provide us your RESUME so that we can know you. We will email you once you are approved. Thank you for your concern canadajobsmag. com

Disclaimer : By using canadajobsmag.com you agree to the following: canadajobsmag provides a free service which should be accepted as is. All the job information is provided by the respective employers, we are not responsible for the accuracy of the information like salary, job requirements and description. Under no circumstances will canadajobsmag.com be responsible for any direct or indirect loss resulting from the use of our website and services.


Posted by Sylvester No comments

About This job

canadajobsmag.com is an online jobs board. Here you can find work opportunities in gulf by searching through thousands of vacancy listings or browsing job offers classified by industry.
We are not an employment agency we merely offer gulf employers an opportunity to post a free vacancy listing on our website and allow job seekers to effectively find the posted job offer and apply for that position.
Available positions are as follows: APPLY NOW

Jobs type : Full time
Jobs Position : HOUSEKEEPING

Qualifications: should have at least 2 years experience on similar roles .
Empowered individuals with excellent communication, Management and people skills.
Must be able to read and speak English, You can apply for the above position by clicking here and view more jobs SALARY : – $21 PER HOURS

Note : For Applying the job please go through the job that suits you from the webpage and read the instruction carefully, fill up your details, provide us your RESUME so that we can know you. We will email you once you are approved. Thank you for your concern canadajobsmag. com

Disclaimer : By using canadajobsmag.com you agree to the following: canadajobsmag provides a free service which should be accepted as is. All the job information is provided by the respective employers, we are not responsible for the accuracy of the information like salary, job requirements and description. Under no circumstances will canadajobsmag.com be responsible for any direct or indirect loss resulting from the use of our website and services.


Look for jobs in Canada

Getting Canadian work experience can be challenging. It may take time to find a job. But the more you know about job search skills, how to get a job, Canadian workplace culture and what Canadian employers want, the easier it will be.

To work in Canada, you will need a Social Insurance Number (SIN). You should apply for a SIN as soon as you come to Canada.

et important information about working in Canada

There are many resources you can use to get information and support when searching for a job in Canada:

Contact an immigrant-serving organization as soon as you arrive. These organizations often offer job search training sessions, résumé writing workshops and other services to help you find work.


Job Bank is the Government of Canada’s leading source for jobs and labour market information. The website offers free occupational and career information (about jobs, educational requirements, main duties, wages, employment trends and much more) for occupations available in Canada.

Service Canada has important information about searching and applying for jobs.

Your province’s or territory’s website for newcomers is another good source of employment information.



Posted by Sylvester No comments

Look for jobs in Canada

Getting Canadian work experience can be challenging. It may take time to find a job. But the more you know about job search skills, how to get a job, Canadian workplace culture and what Canadian employers want, the easier it will be.

To work in Canada, you will need a Social Insurance Number (SIN). You should apply for a SIN as soon as you come to Canada.

et important information about working in Canada

There are many resources you can use to get information and support when searching for a job in Canada:

Contact an immigrant-serving organization as soon as you arrive. These organizations often offer job search training sessions, résumé writing workshops and other services to help you find work.


Job Bank is the Government of Canada’s leading source for jobs and labour market information. The website offers free occupational and career information (about jobs, educational requirements, main duties, wages, employment trends and much more) for occupations available in Canada.

Service Canada has important information about searching and applying for jobs.

Your province’s or territory’s website for newcomers is another good source of employment information.



Obama NEVER should have been our 44th President... and this new video has the undeniable proof. But this isn't about his lack of qualifications, shady birth certificate, or even his hatred of America. No, this video goes MUCH deeper.

In fact, does this controversial video actually PROVE Obama was an illegitimate President?

See the shocking truth here.

[BREAKING] Proof Obama was Illegitimate President?

Posted by Sylvester No comments

Obama NEVER should have been our 44th President... and this new video has the undeniable proof. But this isn't about his lack of qualifications, shady birth certificate, or even his hatred of America. No, this video goes MUCH deeper.

In fact, does this controversial video actually PROVE Obama was an illegitimate President?

See the shocking truth here.



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