Google iOS Update Uses Incognito Mode With TouchID
Posted by Sylvester
on Saturday, October 1, 2016
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– Google added new feature allows users of iOS use incognito mode with TouchID.
– Google’s incognito mode can not be referred to as a perfect private browser, so you still need to be security cautious.
Google Search app on iOS has made things easier to search in incognito mode which makes it easy to open up disposable sessions there too.
Also it is set up so that if you leave the app and need to come back to the search, you can lock it using TouchID, so even on a shared device like an iPad, someone else can’t easily see what was in there. The new feature to search in incognito mode is being added in an update to the Google app that’s coming out today.
Google doesn’t close private searches when you leave its app, you have to manually close them yourself. By requiring Touch ID authorization to see those searches again, Google is able to protect against one of the reasons people might have been using a private search in the first place: family and friends seeing what they’ve been up to.
It should be noted also that Google’s incognito mode can not be referred to as a perfect private browser. As Chrome warns you when you open a private tab, the incognito mode doesn’t hide your browsing from your employer, your internet service provider, or the websites you visit.”
Along with adding secret searches to its iOS app, Google has integrated YouTube video playback from within the app, instead of opening a separate app to watch clips.
Google wrote on its official blog, stating: “Skip the extra step before you break into dance to your favorite music video or before you learn a thing or two in the latest how-to…”
If you find Incognito searching useful, we hope you enjoy the new feature. You can also feel free to leave a comment below.
Tagged as: Technology, World
Lisa Okeke
Lisa is the head editor of Daily News 9ja. Stay upto date with breking news and live stories by following us on twitter and Facebook
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