Five Tips To Successfully Pass That Job Interview

Posted by Sylvester on Friday, January 30, 2015 0

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I know how it feels to be tensed and nervous when called for an interview! We don’t seem to know how to get a grip on our nerves thereby letting all that overshadow our brilliance and ability. Luckily, I have put together a few tips on how to get ready for that day and be in control.


How you dress is key! Your prospective employer will definitely put that into consideration because first impressions matter and tell a lot about your personality. Ensure to dress more professionally when going for certain interviews even when you’re not sure of what is expected of you. Do not wear slippers, ill-fitting clothes, stained clothes, too much accessories, sandals, shirts with popped collars or provocative dresses to an interview. Instead go for a more polished look and update your wardrobe with black shoes, heels, dresses, jackets, ties, shirts and a black, blue or grey suit. Don’t also come to an interview chewing gum or drinking coffee, that’s a big turn off to an interviewer. Too much perfume or not enough deodorant won’t help either. Not being appropriately dressed or having weak looking shoes is also a point missed. Talking or texting on your cell phone or listening to an iPod while waiting to be called for the interview may be your final strike and you could be done with your candidacy before you even say a word. Before the day of your interview, put together all what you need and ensure they are clean and ironed.Dress the Part for an Interview1


Apart from you looks, what really matters is your brains, experience and skills. So get yourself prepared and in the right spirits for an interview. Make efforts to prepare your interview technique including knowing what’s on your resume, being able to present why you are qualified for the job, why you are interested in the company, and practicing staying calm and focused. It’s important to remember that the image the interviewer has of you when he first meets you is the one that is going to last. Ensure you know exactly the names of companies you have worked for and special dates. Your verbal communications are important. Don’t use slang. Speak clearly and definitely. If you need to think about a response to an interview question, that’s fine. It’s better to think before you talk than to stumble over your words. Be attentive, calm and confident but do not show signs of over confidence. Speak when you are asked to.Improve yourself before an Interview


One big mistake you can make is to be invited by a company for an interview and no nothing about them or the job. So avoid such embarrassments by finding out all that you can about the company and the advertised position. Take some time in advance, to use the Internet to know as much as about the company as possible. Check their website, annual report, check their social media pages, LinkedIn. Spend time, as well, talking to employees who you know about what it entails and other things you need to know about the company. Finding out more about a company also enables you to have questions for the interviewer.


Like they say “If you fail to plan then you plan to fail”. Before you go to a job interview, take the time to review the most common interview questions you will most likely be asked. Ensure you have answers to common questions like;

What’s your biggest weakness?
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Why do you want this job?
Why did you leave your last job?
What is your greatest strength?
How will your greatest strength help you perform?
How would you describe yourself?
Do you consider yourself successful? Why?
How do you view yourself?
Who do you compare yourself to?
How do you handle stress and pressure?
What motivates you?
What has been the greatest disappointment in your life?
Tell me about yourself.
Get familiar with these questions and come up with appropriate answers or search online if you’re not sure of what to say.Practice Interviewing


One way of showing confidence is maintaining eye contact and sitting upright. As you answer your questions look into the interviewer(s) eyes and speak loud and clearly. Make sure you aren’t speaking too slow or too fast and that your answers are stated with confidence. If your nerves are starting to fail you then just relax and take a deep breathe before you answer your next question.


Lisa Okeke

Lisa is the head editor of Daily News 9ja. Stay upto date with breking news and live stories by following us on twitter and Facebook

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