Reasons to visit your centre before your JAMB Exam

Posted by Sylvester on Thursday, April 10, 2014 0

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The Myschool Team usually advise candidates to visit their JAMB centre at least a day of the exam.

JAMB says you should be at your centre by 6:00am so that you can be accredited on time and settle down for your exam. Remember, there will be biometric verification before entry.

Here are other reasons to visit your centre before the exam day;
1. You need to have an idea of the traffic situation needed to get to the venue.
2. You have to know the stops required and the buses to enter before you get to your centre.
3. You have to find out the cost required to get there.

As easy as the above 3 points may seem, waiting till the exam day may put you under unnecessary stress which should be avoided so you can efficiently write your paper.

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Lisa Okeke

Lisa is the head editor of Daily News 9ja. Stay upto date with breking news and live stories by following us on twitter and Facebook

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