Deadly marijuana? Doctors weigh in on British woman who supposedly overdosed on cannabis
Posted by Sylvester
on Friday, January 31, 2014
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News that Gemma Moss, of Bournemouth, England, died after smoking a joint and the local coroner reportedly declared the cause of death 'cannabis toxicity' taveled quickly in British tabloids. But doctors and marijuana-experts say that the thought of someone overdosing on pot is ridiculous and virtually impossible.
Gemma Moss died after after smoking a joint in her bedroom, according to local reports
The coroner who said "cannabis poisoning" killed a British mother of three is likely blowing smoke.
Gemma Moss, 31, a devout Christian, reportedly collapsed and died after smoking half a joint at her home in Bournemouth, England.
Coroner Sheriff Payne found that she had moderate to high levels of pot in her system and attributed her death to cannabis toxicity, according to British news sites such as the Mirror Online and The Telegraph.
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Lisa Okeke
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